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Sunday 5 January 2014

The Symbolic Meaning Behind School Uniforms

Last updated on 22:22 - by Unknown - Tags : ,

School uniforms serves as a universal dress code for any educational institution. The fundamental principle behind school uniform is that it leads to equality among students and helps to avoid conflict.  

  • Represents the Institution:  Students in school uniform are walking advertisements for a school, delivering an impression of the school for good or for bad and represents the institute throughout a town.
  • Senses Of Discipline: Uniforms are utilized in carrying in discipline inside and outside the campus of school.
  • Symbolizes A Sense Of Unity: Uniform represents equality and acts as a great leveler making every kid look equal. Use of uniforms in schools assures less competition and significantly less distractions. 
  • Safety Reasons: It makes it easier for educators to identify their students who are dressed alike and keeps students safe from outsiders.  Identifying potential threat from interlopers becomes easier.
  • Positive Effects in a Student's Life: promoting discipline to inculcating feelings of belongingness; uniforms aids in the development of a child. It further mushrooms the feeling of unity among students in the school.

About Unknown
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